Ok, here I am with pics of my little ones on their first day of school for Grade Primary and Grade One. I still find it hard to believe that both of them will be in school Monday through Friday from 8:25 AM until 2:30 PM. They're both in the Excel Lunchtime program this year, so they stay at school to eat their lunches and play or do activities for the remainder of the lunch time. I plan to go back to work to work days, but I think I'll enjoy a few days at home to get some tidying done first before I start to look for another job, preferably an office position where I can utilize some of my computer skills again, but mainly so that I can get off my feet from having to stand on those concrete floors for 6 to 8 hours, cause they kill me!
Could this smile be any bigger? lol :) Alexandria in the gym at school for a first day of school assembly. She's in Grade One this year. Doesn't she look all grown up in her sweet little Asian top?

Natalia outside her classroom with her friend, Georgia, who also lives across the street from us. They're both in Grade Primary this year and very excited.

Deep thoughts by Natalia sitting at her classroom desk. She was all smiles this morning when I left. So much nicer than having it be hard for me to leave cause she's crying. Surprisingly there weren't any little ones crying this year. I think when Alexandria started Primary last year, about 3 or 4 kids were crying as their parents left them for the day.

So, over the next couple of days I'm gonna get to work and go through the girls dressers to get rid of clothes that they've outgrown and organize them. Such a good feeling to have neat and tidy drawers, I just wish they'd stay like that! My girls tend to like to go through their drawers... searching for that perfect outfit to wear and disrupt everything! Yup, not so tidy anymore! Oh well, it could be worse. lol :)
Then, I have to go through their closets and clean them up. My girls idea of cleaning their room is to shove everything in their closets or under their beds. I guess they've assumed the way of thinking 'Out of sight, out of mind!'
Lastly, I need to seriously purge some toys with both of them out of the house. It's just way to hard to do it while they're around. Something that they haven't played with in ages and you try to get rid of it and they act like you're destroying their life! lol :)
Well, I'm really rambling here. I'll leave ya for now and post a card pic later on.
Thanks for stoppin' by! :)