This stunning creation is from my friend,
Val Wilson. I can't tell you how much I love this gorgeous little prima shoe! Now, I need to find a special place for it. My youngest daughter (7 years old) wanted to try it on, she thought it was so pretty! I had to explain to her that this is a special little shoe, just for Mum's enjoyment, not for her to wear! lol :)
She tucked a cute little card inside the shoe along with some yummy Quality Street chocolates, yup, you guessed it, as soon as I took the picture I ate the chocolates! lol :)

Here's a side view.

Val also created this gorgeous Christmas tree star ornament. Thanks so much, Val, for both of these. I'll treasure them for years.

If you look in the picture above, to the left of Val's star ornament, is a sweet little angel in a pink dress. This was given to me on my first Christmas by a friend of my parents. So, it's 36 years old.
Also, the dark pink ornament in the bottom right belonged to my grandmother. It's about 70 years old. I love the old ornaments with all their detail. My tree is adorned with a mix of old and new and lots of treasured handmade ornaments. I'm gonna miss the tree in another week when we take it down for another year.
Thanks for stoppin' by! :)