For the 'Friends' image on the front page, I used a photostamp by The Stampsmith, called Banjo Singers. It can be purchased as a single. Don't they look like they're having fun?
This shows you all the pages of the album; back and front page on the top row, 2nd and 3rd pages on the next row, 4th and 5th pages on the following row and 6th and 7th pages on the last row.

Here's the 3rd page with space for another photo.

Here's the 4th page with space for another photo.

Here's the 5th page. The pocket holds a tag for another photo and lots of room to journal in the background.

Here's the 6th page. Again, the pocket holds a tag for another photo and lots of room to journal in the background.

Here's the 6th page. Again, the pocket holds a tag for another photo and more room to journal in the background.

This is the back page of the album.

I hope you've enjoyed my album, I know I had a blast making it with my friends and I look forward to filling it with stories and photos.
Thanks for stoppin' by! :)