Another happy mail day...I received a 'Let it Snow' CTMH stamp set yesterday from Kerry Davis for some blog candy that I won on her blog. Thanks again so much, Kerry! :) I'm gonna have lots of fun playing with them. Kerry has some wonderful ideas and does beautiful work. Pop on over and check out her site (the link's above), if you haven't already.
I've decided with the way my cards went this year, leaving them til the last minute to finish, that has got to change. I vow that next year, starting in January, each month I'm going to do 6 cards so by the end of November, that will give me 66 cards all ready to send out....early! Wish me luck on that! lol :) I just think it will take the stress out of trying to get them all done at once.
Well, I have a lot of running around to do today, then I have to come home and make some Almond Orange Biscotti for my FIL before I head to work tonight. We leave first thing in the morning for New Brunswick for a few days to head up to Jim's folk's place to celebrate the holidays with them.
I'll be without an Internet connection for a few days, so I'll wish you all a Happy New Year now. Hope everyone has a safe and happy celebration.
Thanks for stoppin' by! :)
P.S. My camera isn't charged, so I just quickly found this photo on web to show you of the stamps that I won. So, these aren't my actual stamps, but it's the same stamp set. :)