Wow, I can't believe that this is card/project# 101 that I've made since Jan 1st! I started a new system this year of numbering all my cards and altered projects. I've found that it's an interesting way to keep track of how many things I've made. So, I guess at this rate, I should have made about 200 by Xmas, but then I guess I need to figure Xmas cards into there, as well...but we won't get started on that topic right now! I had a whole plan to do about 6 Xmas cards each month starting at the first of the year and then by November I'd be all done and ready to send them out...Yup, you guessed it, I haven't even started on them yet! Oh well, it was a good thought anyway! lol :)
I don't know if you can tell in the picture, sorry it's kinda blurry, but the floral background is actually patterned paper that comes pre-embossed. It's really pretty in real life and I got some in several different styles. I've never seen this patterned paper before, and I found it on sale at DeSerres the other day, marked way down. So, that's a bonus! I love a sale! lol :)
Jim and I have been super busy the past couple of days re-organizing our storage rooms in our basement. Lots of work, but it's almost all done now and looks soooo much better. I'm a self-confessed pack-rat and have a bad habit of piling stuff when I don't want to deal with it! Sound familiar? lol :) Anyway, now we just need to buy some good quality paint so we can re-paint the floor and it'll look a look better. Hopefully that'll get done soon...
Well, I think I'll call it a day and go get some rest before my little ones decide that it's time to start a new day!
Thanks for stoppin' by! :)
Supplies:Stamps: Petite Messages (Hero Arts)Cardstock: China Red Linen (CRS), Jet Black Linen (CRS), Flat White (CRS)Patterned Paper: Aurora Flora Flowers - Sticko Style Letter Press (EK Success)Ink: Ruby Red and Basic Black (SU)Embellishments: Antique Copper Brads (Making Memories), Epoxy Butterfly (Horizon Group USA)