Well, I'm her 'only' Mom, but I still love it! While I was having a bit of crafty time yesterday, my oldest daughter, Alexandria (6 years old) stamped this butterfly image and coloured it in with glittery gel pens and she wrote the saying all by herself. She's just learning how to write sentences so I was truly touched! It reads 'I love you. You're my greatest Mom.' She's such a sweetheart. She's my emotional little girl who's always doing nice things for me. This picture is definitely a keeper! :)
She loves to play with my stamps and really enjoys crafty time. When she described her picture, She said "The butterfly was comin' in for a landing on the flower." Too cute. It's funny, she makes my hubby, Jim roll his eyes when she explains her work and uses the proper term of 'cardstock!' That's my crafty girl! lol :)
Anyway, just thought I'd share her sweet artwork with you all.
Thanks for stoppin' by! :)
You are a lucky Mom!!
that is so sweet of her! and great job writing that... oh and the coloring done on the butterly is really good for a 6 year old :) she is a sweetie
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