Well, we're fairing pretty well here with Hurricane Bill blowing through the area. They're forecasting winds up to 100 km/hr and rain fall amounts between 90-140 mm. They also say that since we're supposed to get the height of the storm here at high tide, the waves may get up to 50 feet high. Crazy! The beaches are all closed down now, it's amazing to me that earlier you could actually see parents on the news taking their kids to go see the surf as a family event even with the warnings of how unsafe it was! What are people thinking? Seriously!
We haven't lost power here yet, but we still might. I have a large flower bed in front of my walk-way that I added miracle grow to the soil this year. So, instead of my Impatients only growing to about 6 inches tall, they've grown to about 1 1/2 feet tall and are so beautiful and full. That's amazing stuff! lol :) Unfortunately, a lot of my flowers have been blown flat now, though. :(
The power is out in most areas around around us. I've heard reports of it being around 22,000 homes across the province that are without power but they feel it's going to be up again later tonight. Just in case, I decided to do some baking to get supper ready in case I lost use of the stove. I've had a craving on for some quiche, so that's what I baked. I also cooked up some other things to keep on hand, just to have ready.
We've just been downgraded from a Hurricane watch to a Tropical Storm warning, so I think the majority of the storm is past us now with not a whole lot of damage. Just a fair bit of rain to still come but the winds are subsiding. It'll be interesting to take a drive later on to see just how bad it got around us, though.
Anyway, here's my recipe to share with you in case you have a craving on for some quiche, too! :)
Julie's Cheesy Bacon QuichePreheat oven to 375 F.
2 1/2 cups Flour
1 tsp. Salt
1 tsp. Sugar
6 tbsp. Cooking Oil
3/4 cup + 1 tbsp. 2 % Milk
In a large bowl, combine flour, salt and sugar. Add cooking oil and using a pastry blender, blend until it's the consistency of corn meal. Using a wooden spoon, stir in milk until it forms a ball. When it has nearly formed a ball, I work it with my hands rolling it around the bowl to fully incorporate the dough. Wrap in plastic wrap and put in the fridge for 1/2 to chill. In the meantime, you may prepare the filling and egg mixture below.
1/2 med Green Pepper, chopped
2 green Onions, chopped
4 slices of Bacon, cooked and chopped (I use real bacon that already comes pre-cooked and chopped)
1 cup Cheddar Cheese, shredded
Sauté green pepper for a 2 minutes until tender crisp, add green onions and continue to cook for 2 more minutes. Add pre-cooked bacon and cook for an additional minute. Remove from heat.
Egg Mixture:
6 large Eggs
1 cup Milk
3 tsp. French Onion Dip Mix (Victorian Epicure) - no salt added
1 tsp. Fresh Cracked Black Pepper
pinch Salt
1/2 cup grated Parmesan Cheese
Mix the above 6 ingredients together in a medium sized bowl. Set aside.
Roll out your pie crust on a floured surface and place in a 9" pie plate. Fill with egg mixture then add shredded cheddar cheese and bacon veggie filling. Bake in oven on middle rack for approximate 35 minutes or until a tooth pick inserted in the middle of your quiche comes out dry.
Thanks for stoppin' by! :)