Here's a pic of the evening that we arrived, I looked out their living room window, which overlooks the Miramichi River and I spied a few deer wandering across the frozen river looking for food. As we were looking at them, more and more deer just kept wandering out and we counted 22 in all! (They're not all in this shot, some of the pics didn't turn out since they were quite a distance from the window.) They're such a beautiful animal and so graceful. I feel bad for how hard it is for them to find food this time of year, though, with all the snow covering the ground.
Here's a closeup of one of the deer that came in right by the house, it's just a young one, so precious! Sorry about the glare on the window at the right of the pic...

Here's a look at all the snow up there! I've never seen snow like this in my life! Holy cow! Check out that snowbank behind towers over me and I'm 5'10" tall!!!

To give you another view, here's me standing on the crust on top of the snow next to the clothesline, I actually have to reach down to touch the line! Don't mind the funny closed eyes...that's a terrible habit that I have when my picture is taken! lol :)

We spent an afternoon making a snow tunnel, well, actually mostly my Hubby, Jim and his Dad made it while the kids played in the snow and I took pictures! lol :) That's my oldest daughter, Alexandria peeking out through the tunnel. Jim was kinda disappointed cause they only crawled through it a few times before they lost interest in his hours of work chiseling through the layers of frozen snow! Poor Jim! The tunnel was about 12 feet long...anyway, I think he had fun, so that's good! lol :)

Well, it's been a busy day of putting the house back together after being away for a week, laundry's all done and everything is put away, groceries and errands were done today, now tomorrow I can relax a bit, we're expecting another snowstorm, so it should be a good evening to get in some good crafty time! That's good, 'cause I'm going through a bit of crafty withdrawal! lol :)
Thanks for stoppin' by! :)
Such great pictures of the deer!
Lots and lots of snow.
So glad that you had a wonderful
Great pics, Julie! Looks like you guys had a great time!! :0)
Whoa that's a whole lotta snow. What a gorgeous picture of the deer. I wish we still lived close to where the wild deer came walking by our house ~ I miss that.
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