Does this card look familiar? I
CASE'd one of my own cards from last month!
LOL :) Lame, I know, but I had another birthday card to do for another birthday party that we're going to this weekend. This one is for our friend's little one who's turning 1. I wanted to get the card done tonight and just couldn't think of a theme to do and I really liked the one I had done last month, so I figured I'd just make another one.
Well, I had a horrible afternoon today. My youngest daughter has been having belly pains for a while now and we recently went to the doctor and she gave us a requisition to get some blood work done along with an ultrasound that is booked for 2 weeks down the road. Well, after a few mix ups with blood collection clinics, I decided just to go to the children's hospital and get it done. All I can say is
OMG! Natalia has been talking about the fact that she's going to get
bloodwork done and has seemed almost excited about it. Weird, I know! This is her first time ever
getting bloodwork done, so she really didn't know what to expect. She had it in her head that they were just gonna give her a little poke. I've been assuring her that's all they do, not that they actually draw blood out of you! Anyway, she was fine until we got to the room where she saw the chair to sit in to get her blood taken. She absolutely lost it! I swear you could have heard her in the other end of the city! I felt so bad, it took forever to even get her to sit in my lap with me, while 2 nurses held her arm and I wrapped my legs around
hers to pin her down. I turned her head to the side and covered her eyes so she wouldn't see the blood being drawn...I didn't want to traumatize her any more than need be! In the end, the nurse offered her a figure puppet from a basket as a peace offering. She wanted nothing to do with them at all and wouldn't accept one. It took me about 20 minutes to calm her down after they were gone and we left the lab. On our way out we saw a Tim Horton's and I bought her a cookie as a peace offering. She gladly accepted that!
lol :) When we got home, I overheard her explaining the episode to her older sister, saying, "It hurt
sooooo bad and the the meanies tried to give me a puppet and I said No!" I darn near lost it with laughter, terrible, I know, but it was kinda funny listening to her recanting her experience to her sister, telling her of the mean nurses trying to win her over with finger puppets! Imagine, the
gaul of those meanies!
lol :) The nurses were actually very nice ladies and showed a great deal of patience with my nervous little one. Yes, that's what we'll call her, nervous little one, not little holy terror!
lol :)
Anyway, hopefully she'll be doing
ok tomorrow. I gave her some Motrin after her needle and again at bedtime, as she was complaining that her arm really hurt. I took the
bandaid off and she's actually got quite a bruise from the needle, so I imagine it does hurt quite a bit. Poor little girl. :( Perhaps I'll have to think up some crafty idea for the girls tomorrow to cheer them up. My oldest daughter has an in-service tomorrow, so no school. It'll be nice spending the day inside, maybe they'll even sleep in, it'd be nice to get some extra rest. On that note, I think I'll call it a day.
Thanks for
stoppin' by! :)