Well, I'm not feeling very well today, but I really need the company tonight with a few good laughs and besides, they know how I'm feeling, so they're not expecting me to entertain them all night. But, hey, perhaps I will be the entertaining one with the addition of my morphine! lol :)
I'm still in a great deal of pain with massive headaches, neck and shoulder pain along with a lot of numbness still in my left arm and hand. But, now I'm facing issues with my Neurosurgeon. She got the report back from my MRI and she said that the tumour isn't invading the spine or surrounding nerves, so there's nothing neurosurgically that she can do for me! So, she's passed me back to my family doctor to deal with. I cried when I heard that on Friday. Now, I have to go through a bunch of other tests to find out what's wrong with me and find another surgeon to operate to get rid of my tumour. I just want to get back to normal and get back to work! I'm going crazy at home! Plus, the fact that I can't drive because I'm too dizzy. This sucks! Anyway, keep your fingers crossed for me that they figure what's the matter soon! Thanks again to everyone for their emails, beautiful cards and kind thoughts! I appreciate them all more than you know.
Thanks for stoppin' by! :)

Love the card, Julie!
I am so sorry to hear that they have passed you onto another doctor! That is Very frustrating!! I hope you get some news from your doctor soon. I am sending more possitive vibes your way. Stay strong and I know they will get it figured out soon!! :0)
love this card!
sorry to hear you have no answers to your health problems. hope you get some positive news soon
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