Well, it never rains but it pours...more bad news here. We spent the weekend with my MIL at the hospital. She's on life support in ICU. She went in to liver failure and suffered a heart attack. She's showing some signs of improvement, but it's going to be a long road. Jim and I spent the weekend with her while my Mum watched our girls here at our house. My MIL is at a hospital in Moncton, NB a 2 1/2 hours drive from us. We had to come home last night so that Jim would be here this morning as he was scheduled to report back to the Base hospital for them to check on his broken tibia and to get a new cast put on. He was granted more time off for compassionate leave and they've given me the rest of the week off, as well. We'll be leaving first thing in the morning to head back up to Moncton for a few days to be with Jim's Mom. I won't go into all the issues with you, but she's got a long road to recovery ahead of her. Hopefully I'll have something positive to share with you soon. Please keep her in your prayers that she'll come out of this ok.
Julie, Sorry to hear about your MIL. Definitely not an easy thing to go through. I hope she improves and I'll be thinking about your family.
I am really sorry to hear this Julie, give our love to Jim. He must be so stressed out, give us a call if you need anything at all. * hugs *
So sorry to hear about your MIL. Big hugs to you all and know I am thinking of you all. :0)
Bless your heart Julie, remembering Jim's Mum in my God-blesses!
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