This is my youngest, Natalia. She'll be 6 years old in a few weeks.

This is my oldest, Alexandria. She just turned 8 years old a few weeks ago.

I love this one of the two of them. I thought it was a neat idea to hold the picture frame in front of them.

Another one of the two of them.

And a family shot, too. Believe it or not, this is the first family shot we've ever had done together.

Some more black and white and sepia shots...

If you're local to the Metro Halifax/Dartmouth area, Chere does portraits in her basement studio or she also does off site shoots. She's a super sweet person and she does a great job and offers really reasonable rates. Her business name is Chearle Photography. Here's the link to her blog for more samples of her work.
Thanks for stoppin' by! :)

Great pics of your whole family. Your youngest is very photogenic. Looks natural in here pictures. Is that from Mom running around with he camera all the time? lol
Wow! These are beautiful photos, Julie! :0)
What a beautiful family!!
oh wow Julie!!! those are absolutely gorgeous!!! well your girls help by being gorgeous them selves ;) I really love the family shot ;_)
Ooohhh, BEAUTIFUL photos Julie!!
Wow, are they ever grown up looking now. Love the pictures :)!
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