Just a quick update to let you all know that my surgery went really well yesterday and I'm now recouping at home. I had a horrible headache last night from the anesthesia, but it's almost gone today. Now, I'm just left with the pain in my back where they removed the tumor. The morphine is helping with that, though. I'm still pretty weak, but I know it'll get better as the days pass and I'm well on my way to getting back to normal! :)
Thanks, again, to everyone for their well wishes and I hope to be back to some crafty therapy soon so I'll have something new to show you. Ok, off to nap again.
Thanks for stoppin' by! :)
glad to hear it went well. rest up and hope to see you back soon
Glad to hear that you are at home and feeling well enough to post on your blog. I hope the recovery is speedy for you.
So glad all went well Julie and that you are recovering at home...Take Care!
Glad to hear all went well and that you are back at home. Recovery will just take a little time.
YAAAYYY Julie! It was good chatting with you yesterday...you sound MUCH better than I thought you would! Looking forward to seeing you on the 24th! REST 'eh? ;)
I am so glad to hear that the surgery went well and that you feel well enough to post! You rest up and take care and you will back up on your feet in no time.
Big Hugs!
Glad to hear that everything went well. Relax and take it easy!!
It's been a week - how are you doing? Think about you lots. :)
I won't keep you in suspense to much longer...there's been a small computer glitch that's causing the hold up!
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