My daughter, Natalia has had one favourite stuffed animal that she's had since she was 6 months old and she takes her everywhere with her and still has to sleep with her every night. So, I only thought it to be appropriate to make a get well card with dearest 'Cookie Bear' on it. :) When I got home from work I was spending some time with Natalia and she asked me if I could make her a card so that she would feel better. To rip my heart out even more, she asked me when I would make it! I told her I'd make sure I finished it tonight and she then said that she wanted me to wake her up as soon as I was done so she could see it. Straight after my heart!
Well, it's almost midnight, she woke up about a 1/2 hour ago and ate a few crackers and drank some more water and I gave her the card. She loved it. The smile she gave me, was worth winning the lottery to me after seeing that sad little face just a few hours earlier. Hopefully, she's past the worst of it and she'll be feeling better tomorrow.
I'll post my supplies tomorrow along with another card soon.
Thanks for stoppin' by! :)

How special! I sure hope the Beary card makes your daughter feel Beary well soon!!!
WOW this is fabulous -- LOVE IT!! Hope your little one is feeling better!!
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