Thursday, May 20, 2010

Spring has Sprung!

I love this time of year when all the flowers start to bloom in my yard. I have a new bush that I planted last year,but just bloomed for the first time. It's called a Purple Sand Cherry. I absolutely adore the little cherry blossoms, they're so dainty.

Here are some pictures of the other beautiful flowers in my year that were taken last year.
Tiger Lillies

White Clematis

 Pink Peony

Light Pink Peony

Mountain Bluet

I was goofing around and took this macro picture of a little red beetle.   I thought the picture turned out pretty good.  :)

So, that's a look at the flowers at my house, why not share some of yours, too!  I've love to see them, leave me a comment here and a link to your pics.  :)

Thanks for stoppin' by! :)


featheredheaven said...

Hey Julie, Love your garden pictures! I thought that I was the only one who took plant pictures of our garden. Beautiful! Thanks for sharing!

Ann Flower said...

You´ve got a beautifull blog! your photos are really nice! and this last post is specially good!.. this flower has a center very diferent and beautiful!

Valerie H. Marshall said...

I love taking pics in the garden too! Thanks for sharing, Julie! You can see my pics here:
Val :)

Kira Wolf said...

I really enjoy seeing all these beautiful blooms.