I was checking out a few sites tonight and found some great tutorials that I thought were well done. I've done the waterfall card in the past, but lost my directions, so I'm glad to have found a tutorial on this card technique. Check out the neat ribbon ideas that Maria has. Very neat! I'm always looking for new ways to use ribbon.
Accordion File Tutorial
Bows Tutorial
Waterfall Card Tutorial
I think these little accordion files are just the cutest darn little things...my only dilemma is that I'm not sure what you would use it for after it was all made. I've been racking my brain trying to think of what I would use a file system for that it is so small.
So, I'm proposing a sort of blog candy contest. If you can tell me what you would use one for, I'll put your name into a draw for a card made by your's truly along with a few crafty goodies. I'd love to hear what ideas everyone has! I'm gonna be away most of the weekend, so I'll accept entries up until Sunday night and make the draw on Monday morning.
5 weeks ago
Hmm...I was thinking about whether I would make this myself...
My first answer would be receipts (especially around Christmas time). I could sort them by person so that I would have them at the ready instead of lost at the bottom of a bag, my purse or the junk drawer!
I could also see it used for ribbon scraps, punched pieces (since for me, these always get lost at the bottom of the pile) or small pieces of DP that I would later use for mixed layouts...cheers!
It might make a nice gift, each pocket could hold a certificate, ie: free babysitting, dinner out, or movie passes etc.
It could also make a cute tabletop photo album.
I think this would make a fabulous little gift to give to somebody with photos in either of children or maybe along a wedding/baby theme etc, or to give to the grandparents/aunts and uncles for christmas or birthdays I can think of loads of ideas for this cutie. Thanks for bringing it to my notice had not seen it before today
ooh ooh just thought of another use for it, how about on a practical card making side, what about if you used it to keep made up stamped images in, cause I know I have always got images lying around on my desk be it from the bellas or SU sets, I currently have a stamped image of one of the flowers from Heartfelt Thanks on my desk winking at me at the mo!!!!
What a great idea!!! I would use these for my little scraps of cardstock leftover or better yet how about the tags sheets. You know when you punch one out all the rest come flying off....you can label sizes with the tag punch and just throw them in....ready to be used and in one place!
I think that these are so pretty! For all the bella sistah's, wouldn't it be cute to store your bella's in??? How about filled with pics for grandma to brag about her grandchildren. You definately wouldn't want to use it to store your receipts from stamping purchases. lol You could use it for keeping track of "store coupons" and decorate it with theme papers. Or how about just for little treasures and keepsakes. The ideas are endless.
Hello! I think they are cute too! I would store and organize all my die cuts in it. Thanks!
Cheryl KVD
Hmmmmm...good question...If I clipped coupons, that might be one way to use it..sort of boring. You could make it for another stamper and fill it with images that she doesn't have/might like to have. I'm not a big sticker person, so not a lot of stickers...so it could a sticker organizer for one who has only a small about of stickers. Hmmmmm....I'm sure if I gave it to my DD, she'd fill it up in a heart beat with her own creations!
I think the accoridan file would be a great thing to use for images! Or if your like me you purchase all sorts of eyelets, brads, micro beads, ect. and the file would be an excellent storage solution for it. I can't wait to see what you decide!
You could use it for punched shapes, stickers, stamped images, small fiber ends, vellum quotes, business cards, etc.
Good on your for losing the weight, for making yourself a priority, for taking time to create!!
Therese in Trenton
Mixed Media Market - new items!!
My art blog
I've got a great idea. I'd use a file like this to sort my own personal things that I have in a pile. Like one section would be for my favorite quotes. Another section would be for pics of gardens I like, or plants that I want to try. Another section would be for paint colors I love and might use the next time I try to paint.
It would be a nice, neat way for me to save all that stuff I like.
Janet B
I would make it and use it for ready made card fronts, stamped images, etc.
Claudia F.
well i had a couple ideas but i can see they've sort-of already been mentioned:
1. a photo-holder for grandma - for all those wallet-size photos that you get at the photo studios.
2. a holder for die-cut shapes (for me, the Cuttlebug) - you could precut alphas or shapes in various colors and keep them in the pockets - either sorted by color or by category (alpha, shapes, flowers, etc).
can't wait to hear what you decide to do - its very cute!!
Beth (mommy to a busy 3 1/2 year old)
I would use it to index my um stamps. I have my um stamps categorized and on index cards and stored in corresponding plastic containers but right now I just keep the index cards in a recipe box. This accordian file would look much better on my craft desk.
What a great tutorial! Thanks for the link!
There have been alot of great ideas...the only other thing I can think of is little keepsakes from our recent vacation. Things I haven't had time to scrap yet like tickets, journaling ideas, other bits and pieces.
My first thought would be for receipts too but after awhile, you may get so many in there that overtime the folder may not hold up.
I think giving it as a gift and putting things in the pockets such as the ideas suggested is terrific ... if the recipient collects ATCs, you may want to slip a few in each of the pocket and put some emphemera in the last pocket or two.
Accordian Files are great. I use them to organzie everything.
- monthly bills
- card swaps
- paper scraps by colour
- larger embellishment for scrapping or cards
Lol, here is my answer to this dilema :p! Would make great wedding favors (for Alexandria and Isaac:P), then send everyone pictures of the wedding...sort of like a photo album.
I like the photo album idea, for like pictures for Gramma's and other family members.
Or the other idea I liked was coupons...
Oh the possibilities :D!
For school age kids who exchange photos, to keep all your punch cards for the LSS or movie theatres like we do here, coupons for your most used products, recipes for the PTA bake sale-to give them out if needed. Lots of ideas, and fun to make. bet lots of gramma's would love them packed with teenie photos too
I made a 7 pocket by mistake, made too much scores, but I plan to make it into an inspirational file pocket gift for hubby - Each pocket will be labeled day of the week and will have at least 4 cards for each pocket (which would be a month's worth or two months if front and back)and I'll write inspirations, sayings, or memories and maybe paste a few photos. He can pull one card each day (he'll probably take it to work for lunch break reading). I'm planning to put a different heading on each card such as "Today I love you because....." or Today I appreciate you because..." "Today I am smiling because remember when we....." etc. I have to come up with 28 different headings - that will be fun to do! Any ideas? I'm thinking would be neat to also do one for "Girlfriend" "Daughter""Mother" "Father" etc. Just something I got excited about.
i would use it to store receipts too... but i also thought it would be a good place to store those extra buttons that come with sweaters, etc that are in little plastic baggies. i never know where to store those... =)
How about decorating it with food image stamps, and typing up some favourite recipes to slip inside the little pockets. This would make a nice gift to someone, along with a pretty linen tea cloth, or something along that idea.
I would say receipts, but the other thing that some to mind would be for pre-stamped images.
I really want to make one of these too! I was thinking of making them for my girls. They could use it for stickers. I was also thinking for those scrap bits of punchies. I know I have some. I punch something out and then decide not to use it. So I just throw it into a box. Or maybe to keep your postage stamps in...if you have a variety of them. or just make them and let the recipient decide what to use it for ;0)
You could use it for coupons. You could make 12 pockets, one for each month,. Then when you cut coupons, put them in the month in which they expire. Or if you have less, sort by type of food/item: meats, dairy, breads, household items, etc. Or if for a child, let them store stickers in it.
I think if you gave it for a gift, A fun idea might to be to put a different recipe in each file for the person. Sounds like fun!
I can't wait to try one of these!
What would I do with it...There are so many options and they are endless. Being a very proud granny and mom I would organize a very special brag book to share with my world of my special people for starters. Would also make great gifts to highlight those special moments in life
You could use this folder for so many things:
1) I think this would be a neat holder to hold punchies in...different pockets for different items.
2) You could also use this to hold those spare embellishments that may be "hanging" around.
3) It could be perfect for small scraps of cardstock...the ones that you would use for Quickutz dies etc.
4) Small gift tags would also fit in the folder...make a selection of them and give it as a gift...perfect for teacher gifts!
Hi Julie:
I have the same idea as others, I would use it for completed ATC's that you could whip out & add to a card in a hurry. Another for punchies of flowers that would make a quick card. Another for card fronts, another for coloured images again I think all these things would be nice to have for making a card that you need quickly. Can you tell I live in a quick world.
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