Today was a very productive day. We've been in our new (to us) home for nearly 8 months now and we just got our daughter, Natalia's room painted today. The colours weren't bad before, but she wanted something more 'girly,' plus the other paint job was starting to show wear, so an update it was. Now both our girls have light pink rooms. My oldest daughter, Alexandria, has a Disney princess room, our youngest is a Dora, the Explorer fanatic, so her's is a princess Dora room. They each have quite different things, so even though their paint colour is exactly the same, the rooms are quite different. I'll post pics in the next couple of days. I think they're both quite cute. :) And, they love their rooms, so that's what's most important.
We drove over to see our friends baby girl tonight. She's one week old today. Oh my goodness, it's hard to believe my little girls were once that small. They're not babies anymore! They grow up so fast! Laura is absolutely precious and is bringing lots of joy to her first time Mom and Dad. I love that I can go visit and hold and rock her and then go home and get a whole night's sleep! lol Just kidding, I do miss that stage, but I do also really enjoy my sleep! :) We also saw the lunar eclipse tonight on the way over and it was beautiful. Quite a sight! Glad I caught it!
So after a day of painting I needed at least a few minutes in my craft room. This is the card that I came up with tonight. I love the SU Watercolour Garden set. I use it a lot and like it's versatility. I however tend to use these colours a lot. I think with my next card I will try to really branch out and use a colour combo that I would never think to use. I'll have to think about that tomorrow...
Well, I think I will call it a day. We're heading to my parents tomorrow for a visit, gonna be an early start to the day. Enjoy the rest of your weekend, everyone!
Thanks for stopping by!
I haven't seen watercolour garden used for quite a while - your card is lovely. You have inspired me to dig out my set and make some spring cards!
Thank you for saving the Winnie the pooh decorations for our little miss ;) sorry that I wasn't up to thank you in person.. I got a baaad cold..
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