This afternoon, we drove them out to the highway so they were sure to get the right exit to head home and from there we headed down to the Halifax Waterfront to spend a few hours enjoying the Canada Day festivities. The girls had a lot of fun playing on the pirate ship play structure, but the highlight of the day was a treat of some famous Cow's Ice-Cream. Reader's Digest Magazine has voted them 'Canada's Favourite Ice-Cream.' Well, it is amazing home made ice-cream, but it better be for the price of it! I gave the guy a $20 bill and I got back $1.42! That was for 2 double scoop waffle cones and 2 child sized waffle cones. Yeah, it was worth it, though! It's been years since I've had Cow's ice-cream and it was super delish! Ok, that's the last of my splurging, though...I have that gown to get in to on Saturday, and it's not gonna happen if I keep eating treats! Bring on the spinach salads...yeah, they're just as good! lol :) I'll post pics of my glammed up look next week after the wedding. :)
This is a pic that my hubby took today while we downtown of a reflection of a Canada flag in one of the mirrored high rises. I thought it was pretty cool! :)

OK, the girls are yanking at my arm, Mummmmm, Commmmme onnnnnnn, we wanna go to the firrrreworrrrrks!!! LOL :) Poor little girls, gotta get ready to go.
Thanks for stopping by! :)
Awesome pic of the flag!!! Hope you all had fun at the fireworks! :0)
very cool picture!
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