Does anyone know what on earth is going on with blogger the past couple of days? It's acting completely crazy. Selecting text where you don't want it to and not selecting it when you do want it to. Things are getting deleted and the spacing is all off, and the title text box is all messed up. My scrolling isn't working properly and pictures are not uploading correctly. Sometimes they add twice and sometimes not at all. Just plain weird! Just to mention a few things! How frustrating. In my last post, I had just started my post and all of a sudden it posted itself on it's own! What's going on?
I'm rather new to blogging, well just since January. Are we supposed to go in to our account and back up files every once in a while or delete things so that it runs smoother. Maybe with so many blogs out there, their system is going whacky! Certainly looks like it from here! Anyway, I haven't read any of there new updates, so I should probably do that before I start to rant some more... just had to vent after the time I had trying to get that last post entered. Holy Cow!
I've noticed on a few other blogs that people were having trouble with their title box, but didn't see any mention of anything else that was giving them issues. Is it just me? lol :)
5 weeks ago
I reported the title box thing to blogger last week. to make a title, I hover over the space only on top until it makes a capital I and then the cursor works to type. I started a trail about it then and I found this tonight.
they are working on it tho-
I don't know Julie, I thought it was me too. And I am really new to blogging. But I posted my blog and photo and saved it, but it totally disappeared and I had to do it all over again. And sometimes you can find me on the website and other times they never heard of me. It's too frustrating
for words.
I have only had issues with the title just have to click on it a few times to get it to stick. No other issues as of yet though. :0)
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