I was tagged by Tracy Houghton this weekend. I have to list 7 unknown facts about myself and then tag 7 other people, leaving a comment on their blog to let them know that they too, have been tagged. Ready? Here we go.
1. I did competitive gymnastics for 9 years when I was growing up. I finished my gymnastics career when I was doing my dismount off the uneven bars and I ended up breaking my foot, three bones and two in two places, not a nice break as one of the bones was the bones that holds the arch up in your foot, so I wasn't allowed to have a walking cast. It was a long few months. After that I decided to try out another sport, so I did some spring board diving for a bit and really had a lot of fun with it. The pool was pretty giving on breaking your fall! lol :) Then, I joined the local Kung Fu Club and achieved my Green Belt, but unfortunately I don't remember much of what I did now. Humm, I'm thinking that dates me! lol :)
2. I gained a lot of weight after I got married, more when I had kids, so now I'm finally getting the weight off. I'm down 65 lbs, thanks to LA Weight Loss! I still have about 35 lbs to go, but it's coming off slowly but surely now. It feels great to be able to wear smaller clothes again. I bought a gorgeous floor length evening gown that I'm wearing to my friend, Lisa's wedding on Saturday and I can't wait to get all snazzied up! :)
3. I live in the Martimes right by the ocean, but I don't like fish. I know, crazy I guess, but I'm petrified of eating bones or choking on them! I do eat Lobster, rarely, and some Sole or Haddock, but it's a rare occasion.
4. I'm a NAUI Advanced certified Scuba diver. Jim got me into diving when we first got together and I used to love it. I had to put it on hold when I got pregnant with my first daughter and I haven't actually got back into it, but soon I'd like to. It's very relaxing to do and neat to see all the sea life. The rays are my favourite to watch, they're so graceful, almost like watching them dance under water, their wings are mesmerizing. I also liked playing with the sea stars. Lots of pretty colours.
5. I've been married for 11 years, it'll be 12 this Fall. We got married on the Thanksgiving Weekend, how time flies! We have two beautiful little girls, our first was born the day before our 6th wedding anniversary. What a wonderful anniversary gift! :)
6. After I graduated from high school, I took Travel and Tourism and worked at a couple of hotels doing Front Desk work. I went back to school and took some computer courses and starting working doing some office work. Ventured into some restaurant work from there where I made pastries, yeah, that didn't help my figure! lol I went back to school again and got my Microsoft Office User Specialist Master Level certification, and actually accepted a contract with Nova Scotia Community College teaching MS Word and MS Excel, and all my students achieved their Master level certification. I got very nervous teaching, though. I'm not a very outgoing person and my stomach would just get in knots knowing that I was supposed to be the one in charge. So, I went back to doing office work and then I got pregnant. I had some problems with the pregnancy and went off work. I've only briefly gone back to work since then, but would like to go back soon. I really think I need to get back into the workforce again, if nothing else to try to get some of my memory back. I love staying at home with my girls, but it really has sapped the memory out of me. I can't remember anything and I hate being like that.
7. I'm 5'10" tall. Yup, tall, I know for a girl. I had small little size 7 feet until I had my first daughter and then they upgraded to a size 8 or almost. I think that's why I'm so clumsy, trying to walk on these little feet of mine, I'm not really proportioned! lol :)
So, I guess that's all about me for now. Now, it's your turn to tell me a few things about yourself. I'm tagging the following 7 people. Have fun, can't wait to learn a bit more about you all! :)
Cindy (Imagine. Dream. Create.)
Shannon (Live, Love, Laugh and Stamp)
Brandy (Stampin' Crazy)
Catherine (My Stamping Grounds)
Julie (Paper Pleasing Ideas)
Kim (Creative Diversions)
Nancy (Nancy's Creative Mess)
Hope Everyone is having a wonderful Canada Day Long Weekend! Happy 140th Birthday, Canada!
Thanks for stopping by! Gotta go get supper and then we're heading to the Waterfront to watch the fireworks tonight for 10 pm. Gonna be a late night for the munchkins, but they're really looking forward to them. Should be a good show. Fingers crossed, we don't have any meltdowns ... lol :)
5 weeks ago
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