I’ve been tagged again! (By Tracy, Toni and Ila.) This one is a little different. It's more of a ‘get to know you’ kind of tag game. I’m supposed to list 7 things about me and then tag 7 others who will do the same. So, here’s a bit about me…try not to fall asleep!
~ I met my husband when I was 19, we got married when I was 21 and he was 25. My Mother actually asked me if I was sure he was the one (even though they liked him from the beginning), since they were only paying for one wedding! We'll be celebrating our 12th wedding anniversary this Fall. Guess we surprised them all!
~I'm a Navy wife. It's a life that not all would stand for. You need to be an independent person, willing to sacrifice a lot and being willing to be ok with everything that is going to go wrong the minute that they leave for a deployment! Jim's been away for a week now and already the side door lock has broke, our new microwave broke after the shelf that was holding it fell off the wall! So I had to buy a new one, both girls and I have all acquired colds and I've acquired Laryngitis...that's lots of fun! How am I supposed to yell at them? lol :) Oh, ad I got a flat tire. How's that for what can go wrong, will go wrong!!!
~We have two daughters, 3 and 5 years old. They are two sweet little girls with tonnes of energy and imagination. The youngest however has quite a stubborn side and loves to test us with her temper tantrums! I'm not lovin' them as much as she is, but I do love her, so I guess we'll keep her! lol :) Just another stage that will pass...
~In September 2006, I made the decision that I finally need to lose my extra weight for good! I've tried different ways, but never really with much success. This time, I joined LA Weight Loss and I'm very happy with the results. I've already lost 54 lbs and 25 inches and I'm about half way to my goal. It's a wonderful plan where they teach you the proper way to eat and make it so easy. I'm never hungry and the pounds are melting away. I've already vowed to myself that I'm never going to be at the weight that I was at my heaviest, ever again. I'm doing this for me to boost my self-esteem and health. I want to be here to enjoy my life and to see my little girls grow old.
~I have a love for rubbah! That's rubber stamping, that is! I've been stamping for 3 years now and find it be such a wonderful hobby. I love making handmade cards and I also really enjoy doing other paper crafts...as long as it includes stamping, pretty paper, ribbon and embellishments...I'm one happy gal!
~I like to bake, but unfortunately I can't really eat as much of the 'chocolaty goodness' treats that I used to. It's ok, though, it's been a great trade-off. I've been creative in finding some low-fat substitutions...
~We just bought our first home in August last year after a 3 year posting to Ontario. We're happy to be back in the Maritimes and to finally be homeowners...even if it does come with a crazy side door! One more thing to have fixed...
So, these are a few tidbits about me, I've had my chance to ramble, now I'm gonna tag the following gals to tell us a bit about themselves.
Amy of Heartfelt Greetings,
Val of Steady Winds,
Julie of Paper Pleasing Ideas,
Catherine of My Stamping Grounds,
Kim of Creative Diversions,
Steph of Steph's Stuff,
Sharon of Paper Fections
5 weeks ago
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