Ah, ya gotta love holding a new little baby. I held her as she slept in my arms for about an hour, as I got to listen to all those wonderful little cooing sounds. Then, I gave her to Jim so he could enjoy some baby time. The above picture is my Jim holding her... loving every minute of it! She woke up a little startled at who was holding her. Oh, what a cutie! Laura is 6 weeks old already, how time flies! She's such a good little girl, starting to sleep more through the night and stay up more during the day. I think Craig liked his little maze book hat I made for him to take to sea with him. He leaves tomorrow for 5 weeks. Oh, he's gonna miss her so much. I always feel bad for a new Daddy when he has to be separated from his baby, especially when they're that young. They change so much at this age, you hate to miss any part of it. Hopefully the time will go by quickly and he'll be back to enjoy time with her again. He certainly loves her to pieces! :)
5 weeks ago
1 comment:
What a sweetie!
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