Oh, the ribbon addict is happy! Thanks to Deb for emailing this to me today! I'll never get any sleep now!!! I'll just keep hearing voices in my head 'Must try ribbon technique #..., must try ribbon technique #...' LOL :)
from 2peas message board...
1. Cut a journaling block into horizontal strips. Tie a ribbon in a bow or knot
to the left end of the first strip, then the right end of the second strip, and
so on.
2. Create a page frame by stitching ribbon to each side of the page, and then
cover the joins with a button or another accent.
3. Collect scraps of ribbon and cover the spiral binding of a journal or album
in bows.
4. Tie a bow on a paperclip.
5. Soften the look of metal mesh by knotting satin ribbons through the
6. Color block a layout, punch holes where the blocks meet and lace with ribbon.
7. Create a ribbon loop off the side of the page, securing with stitches or
staples, to index sections in your album.
8. Stamp tiny tags with a single letter and use narrow ribbons to attach to your
page for a quirky title.
9. Hold a bookplate in place by securing each side with a length of ribbon,
fixing the ribbons onto the back of your layout.
10. Punch holes along one side of a photo or mat and finish with ribbons tied in
loop knots.
11. Loop ribbon around one side of a metal frame, then tie with a tiny knot or
12. Laminate a leaf or another found object, punch a hole and tie on a ribbon.
13. Dye ribbons to match anything perfectly.
14. Criss-cross two lengths of ribbon to create a pocket.
15. Turn bows on their side and place at either end of a title.
16. Stamp a name or date on a ribbon, fold around the corner of a photograph and
secure with a paperclip.
17. Use ribbon to hang a locket holding something special.
18. Thread two metal rings onto a length of ribbon and secure them both in a
loop at one end (you can use an eyelet, nail head, brad, stitches or staples to
close the loop). Wrap around a journal, mini book or photo mat and pull the
loose end of the ribbon through the rings, just like a belt.
19. Make a masculine tag by threading a plain washer onto a ribbon remnant,
folding in half and stapling to the top of a tag.
20. Hide journaling or an additional photograph on your page. Using
self-adhesive ribbon as a hinge, secure just one side of a cardstock block to
the background.
21. Cover the join between two patterned papers with a length of ribbon.
22. Create a collage between two microscope slides or pieces of transparency,
and then tie ribbon around the glass sandwich.
23. Team up ribbon with anything else from the haberdashery section: rickrack,
upholstery trim, lace, fibers, snap trim, zips, elastic or a hook and eye set.
24. Layer a brightly colored sheer ribbon over traditional black and white
gingham to create custom colored gingham.
25. Stick ribbon over vellum to hide adhesive.
26. Make a flower with loops of ribbon plus a button in the middle.
27. Cover the edge of a border of patterned page with three inch lengths of
mismatched ribbons.
28. Use letter stamps on ribbon for journaling or captions.
29. Use rickrack as the stem for a flower accent.
30. Run a thread through a length of ribbon, making loose stitches, and then
pull the ribbon together to gather.
31. Apply rub-on letters to a twelve inch strip of ribbon to make a custom
32. Cover a scrap of cardstock with ribbon scraps in lines, and then place a cut
out shape over the top so the quilted design shows through.
33. Fray ribbon scraps, then overlap and sew to the page.
34. Place a ribbon in a tiny glass charm for a message in a bottle look.
35. Weave your ribbons in big or little sections on your page.
36. Punch holes on one side of a photo mat, then lace the ribbon through and add
a charm to one of the loops.
37. Make one long loop of ribbon around an entire page, and then use shorter
ribbons to tie knots and bows to that ribbon.
38. Make a bulletin board look by criss-crossing ribbons across the page and
joining with brads or buttons.
39. Use frilly ribbons with rustic elements, mixing girly trims with twill tape
or a wooden tag.
40. Create your journaling in widely spaced rows. Punch small holes around key
words and thread ribbon through to box out or underline words with color.
41. Hang a letter charm from ribbon and wrap around the bottom third of a photo.
42. Use a variety of green ribbons in short, overlapped lengths to represent
grass for a summery layout.
43. Place your title and journaling blocks on your layout, then cut slits at the
top and bottom. Run sheer ribbon through to `hold' the blocks in place.
44. Spell a title by threading letter charms onto a longer length of ribbon,
adding a knot between each letter.
45. Cut a variety of ribbons to six to eight inch lengths. Adhere at odd angles
to the bottom of a double page layout, with the photos and accents above this
46. Place short lengths of ribbon over the four corners of a photo and secure in
place with brads.
47. Place ribbons around the edge of a large circle shape.
48. Fold ribbon scraps in half and staple to one side of a photo mat.
49. Use a wide ribbon as you would a strip of patterned paper.
50. Stitch your ribbon with a zigzag.
51. Thread silk or paper flowers onto ribbons to create a daisy chain.
52. Use polka-dot ribbon with striped patterned papers.
53. Tie a series of bows or knots to cover a length of wire, and then attach the
wire by punching two tiny holes in your page and threading it through to the
54. Run a simple border with one thin ribbon across the top of your page and two
thin ribbons at the bottom.
55. Tie a group of tags together with brightly colored ribbons.
56. Punch small holes and thread a border like you would lace your shoes.
57. Use sheer green ribbons to represent leaves on flowers.
58. Use your ribbons in vertical strips instead of horizontal.
59. Repeat just one ribbon pattern throughout your layout.
60. Hang tiny jingle bells on a Christmas page.
61. Select two ribbons of contrasting color. Attach one to the left side of the
page and the other to the right, then tie together in the middle. Repeat in the
opposite colors to make a criss-cross if you wish.
62. Get out your eyelets and add to a paper accent, like a monogram letter.
Thread ribbon through and tie in a knot.
63. Pin a safety pin through a bow or knot.
64. Tie a ribbon around the stem of any letter in your title.
65. Allow ribbons to come out the top of your {top-loading} page protector.
66. Place one bold strip of a patterned paper on your cardstock background. Add
an angled strip of a color-coordinated ribbon. Add an accent near where the two
meet, and place the body of your layout in the remaining gap.
67. Punch or cut several small squares or circles. Punch a small hole and tie a
ribbon on each, then line up for a border.
68. Line up several lengths of the same ribbon and secure the ends with brads,
then place your title on top.
69. Punch a group of holes in any preprinted accent and add ribbons to make it
your own.
70. Create a bold frame using short ribbon scraps around all four sides of the
71. Have just the ends of flat ribbons appear from one side of a photograph.
Stick them directly to the page.
72. Use a series of ribbon-trimmed metal-rimmed tags to journal in list form.
73. Repeatedly wrap a ribbon around a block of cardstock, then tie with a charm,
tag or stamped image.
74. Use only black and white ribbons plus one color of cardstock.
75. Stick ribbon directly to the page and cover the ends with square or round
76. Place several twelve inch lengths of ribbon to the page, leaving an inch gap
in between. Number the lines of ribbon and add journaling for a `# of things
I...' layout.
77. Tie ribbons on bobby pins/hair grips and slide onto the edge of a photo.
78. Use ribbon inside a slide frame or book plate.
79. Create a pull tab with a loop of ribbon on a tucked away photo or tag.
80. Use just ginghams!
81. Attach tiny clothes pegs to a length of ribbon.
82. Use white sheer ribbons for angel wings.
83. Thread white letter beads onto ribbons for journaling.
84. Tie ribbons through button holes and tie on the top.
85. Attach pins or badges to a length of ribbon stuck straight to the
86. Put your title inside a circle frame, and hold it in place with ribbons on
two or more sides. Tuck the ribbons over to the back of the page.
87. Thread on a buckle for a classy accent.
88. Spice up a simple layout with just three knots of ribbon near the corner of
the photo.
89. Create a pinwheel design by sticking down bright ribbons cut with an angle
at the end.
90. Fold your ribbon in half then cut at an angle to get that little V at the
91. Instead of peeling your stickers from the backing, cut them out and treat
like regular paper. Punch a hole, tie a ribbon and look at your sticker in a new
92. Create a layout with three blocks of cardstock, and then hang multiple
ribbons from the bottom of each block.
93. Make a summery layout with mismatched ribbons placed 3/4 of the way down one
side, to mimic flags on a sail boat.
94. Make a mini book to hold extra photos and journaling, and make sure the
sides wrap around to the front so the covers open to both the left and right.
Secure ribbon on the back and tie on the front to close.
95. Thread circles on ribbons to mimic Christmas ornaments, then tuck the
ribbons around the top of the page and secure on the back. Design the layout on
top of the ornament background.
96. Make it simple: stick a length of ribbon directly to the cardstock. Tie a
bow and stick it on top -- an easier way to make everything stay put.
97. Create your title with letters on individual blocks of cardstock, then
thread together by punching holes and tying together with ribbons.
98. Use watermark ink to customize your ribbon with a design or phrase.
99. Make curly ribbons by wrapping tightly around a dowel rod or pencil
(securing with pins if needed), spraying with corn starch and baking in the oven
for about five minutes. Leave to cool and set over night, then remove from the
dowel. Great for album covers and bindings.
100. Use ribbon to bind a small book of index prints on your layout, and then
add more ribbon to close or hang the book.
101. Grab your favorite ribbon of the moment and work your entire layout around
that inspiration. Print your photos in black and white so you don't have to
worry about color clashes and just have fun.
102. When making a page that's an homage to a favorite relative, use ribbon to
add memorabilia that reminds you of this person, like a recipe written on a
recipe card, a fishing fly, a playing card, or a necklace charm.
103. Use special paper punches to liven up your papers, and then adhere shimmery
ribbon to the backs so it shows through the negative spaces, making different
textured embellishments.
104. Send thin, colorful ribbon through the sticker maker, and then snip it
crosswise into little pieces, making bright confetti and streamers for a fun
party page.
105. Use a brown ink pad to rub onto light colored ribbon to make it look
5 weeks ago
Thanks for sharing Julie. I am just starting to get into ribbon and am often confused about what to do with it and/or where to put it. This will be a very helpful list for a "ribbon-newbie".
You're welcome, Julie. I have collected so much ribbon, I need to start using it on everything! Deb M in BC :) http://stampalicious.blogspot.com/
(For some reason, when I sign in with my Blogger name, it won't let me.)
Great list of ribbon ideas! I really needed this..I've a ton of ribbon.
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