...I dropped a tree!!! It was actually kinda fun. My girls got to watch (from a safe distance) and they thought it was great. Alex even said, "Grampy is cool like the woodcutter in Little Red Riding Hood!" lol :) My Dad was helping out his neighbour to get rid of a dead tree. He cut the tree and I pulled the rope that was attached to bring it down in the right direction. What a bang! You can't really see how big the tree was in the pic, but I was a bit nervous that it might fall and knock over their wood pile. Anyway, I got in it pulled in the right direction, so I'm officially Woodswoman, Jules, now! lol :)

I had a great time yesterday at my Uncle Frank's 85th birthday party. He's my Mum's oldest brother. She's the 2nd youngest of 10 brothers and sisters. It was a great chance to chat a bit with a lot of family that I haven't seen in a while. The girls had a blast, especially in my cousins back yard. Look at that view in the pic below. (The pic really doesn't do it justice, though!) They live up on the Wolfville Ridge at the top of the Annapolis Valley. Matt and Holly have a gorgeous home and property, it was so nice of them to open up their home for us all for her Dad's birthday party. They're back yard over looks the beautiful Minas Basin and Blomidom Mountain. If you go for a drive to the Blomidom Look Off, you can actually see several towns at once. It's a spectacular view and really gorgeous at night to see all the lights.
This is their beautiful home and back yard.

This is my Uncle Frank and my Mum.

This is one last pic, as we were leaving the girls jumped in my parents car and were pretending to drive home. :) The girls love their 'stang... when we were driving away, Mum and Dad had left just before us, my youngest daughter asked which way Grammy and Grampy went and Alex (my 5 year old) says "Just look for a blue flash!" I just about lost it! lol :) She was so serious, you've gotta love the way kids see things! This car belonged to my grandmother and when she stopped driving, my Dad took it over. My Gram loved her 'stangs. This was her third Mustang. It was pretty funny to see a nearly 90 year old woman driving around in this car! :) I can remember the police had to pull her over one morning driving home from church, because she was actually driving too slow! lol :) I'm sure when the cop was walking up to the car, she was the last person he expected to see in the driver's seat! My Gram passed away just over 3 months ago, and I really miss her. I often think of her and would like to go visit her, then it occurs to me that she's not here anymore. I'm sure it'll take a while to get used to that. I hope she's at peace, now, though.

Ok, so that's all my pics for today. My Mum and I had a nice night of cardmaking last night. I didn't actually make a card myself but I helped Mum make a card. We had a great night. I really love getting together with her for some crafty time. It's so nice to be back in the Maritimes here so that we can do that. There were so many times when I was living up in Ontario that I just wished she was closer. I'm so glad that we can get together now and spend some quality time with each other.
So, I'm actually too tired to create anything tonight, but I'll be back on tomorrow with something new. Thanks for stopping by! :)
It looks absolutely beautiful there! Wish I was there right now too ;0)
Beautiful photo of the girls with the nice background! and Happy Birthday to your uncle!
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