We also made a trip to another local farm (Hennigar's Farm Market, Greenwich, Nova Scotia) where they have a mini zoo of sorts. A pond with lots of ducks and turtles. Lots of bunnies, a male and female peacock, and goats. The goats just had babies. Too cute! :) They were the main attraction for the girls today. Along with the turtles sunning themselves, which they were obsessed with watching! lol :) Here are a few pics from this afternoon. Sorry, I know the past couple of posts have been a lot of pics, but just wanted to share my great weekend. Also, a couple of pics in my parents yard. The girls are pictured on my 30+ year old tricycyle! lol They had a lot fun cruising around the yard and checking out Gramma's flowers. I hated to have to come home to reality...loads of laundry to do and house cleaning. But, no worries, a bunch of the girls are coming over tomorrow night to stamp, so that'll be fun. I can't wait. Uh oh, I just realized they're coming over tonight now...it's already past 12:30 AM! Where does the time go? Gotta go get a few hours of sleep before it's time to get up again! Gonna need lots of coffee tomorrow, oh yeah, today...
Thanks for stopping by! :)
Enjoyed your pictures. I am assuming you are a valley girl. I grew up not far from Hennigar's. Actually many many years ago they were our landlord. I still stop there each time we visit the valley. Small world!!
Wow! Looks like you had a very fun Mother's Day! What fun family time...makes me what to get out and spend a fun day at our Zoo!
Yup, I'm a Valley girl. I actually grew up living in an apple. lol :) Just kidding, I've really been asked that before, though! Can you believe it! Some people are so completely ridiculous! I also worked at Hennigar's for 4 years through high school as a cashier. Sure is a busy spot in the summer, it was a great bunch of ladies to work with, we always had a fun time.
As my brother says, "Yes, it's a small world, but I wouldn't want to paint it!" and no, he's not a painter, just some crazy saying he came up with.
Have a great day everyone! :)
Great pics
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