Wednesday, September 5, 2007

First Day of Primary

Well, I got up at 6:45 this morning and Alexandria saw me and shot out of bed like a rocket saying, "Mammmmma, do you knoooooow what today is?" She was just a wee bit excited! :) We got her ready and off to school and she settled right in. She looked so cute sitting at the little group tables that they have set up. My grown up little girl...

Natalia was also excited this morning, she wanted to practice carrying her backpack. lol :) She starts preschool tomorrow at the same one that Alexandria attended last year (Alex missed the birthday deadline to enter school by only 5 days) so she had to wait another year to start school.

Well, off to get some errands done before it's time to pick up Alex for lunch.

Thanks for stoppin' by! :)

1 comment:

Tracy.H said...

They are just too cute!! Hope the first day went well and tomorrow goes well at Pre-school!! :0)