Today marked a bit of a sad day. It was my little girl's first day of Pre-School. She's always been quite shy and sensitive, so I wondered how she would do in school. But, I think the 2 weeks that I had her in day camp this summer really helped her, as she has a fantastic day today. I'm so glad. When I went to pick her up she was all smiles and told me about all the fun things they did. She can't wait to go back on Tuesday. She'll only be in school two mornings a week. But, I think that's enough for her at this stage. Then, she'll start Primary at the Elementary school next year with her big sis.
I called my Mum to tell her that Natalia had a great morning and she asked me if I felt older this morning. It's funny, I kinda do, it's hard to believe Alexandria will be 6 years old next month and Natalia will be 4 in November. Where does the time go? Seems like just the other day that they were small babies, time flies by so quickly that you have to treasure it now.
Well, it's time to run over to get Alex in a few minutes. Wow, it's a lot of running back and forth. Over to drop her off, home. Over to pick her up at lunch, home. Over to drop her off for the afternoon, home. Over to pick her up for the end of day, home! Then, there's Tuesdays and Thursday's when I have to drop off and pick Tallie up at her pre-school, too! Can't wait til next year when they're both in the same school and they're in the lunch time program so they can stay all day while I'm at work. lol :) Ok, I've gotta run...
Thanks for stoppin' by!
1 day ago
What a cutie! Glad to hear that her first day went well. Certainly makes it a little easier for Mom! :0)
What a cutie pie. Glad to hear that she had a great first day -- makes it easier for you.
Yay for Natalia! she will do great! Diego and his pals are loving the new school too, Diego woke up on Friday asking if he was going back to his big boy school, I had to tell him the day camp had been for little boys, since he wanted to go back there...
I hope to see you guys still on your days off, last week was horrible for us, just ask Catherine, she saw us on Wednesday on one of Danielitla's worst days, teeth will be the end of us ;P
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